Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A dirty shame...

The seperation of a little girl and her favorite Princess dress is an unbearable thing. Amy was playing dress up in her favorite dress and while she was Cinderella, she was helping load the dishwasher and got ketchup all over her dress. She was so upset. Amy said we must wash it. So we went to the laundry room and took off her dress and she helped me put it in the washer. Then we watched as it filled with water and as it was time to close the lid... she began to cry. " I miss my dress" this continued until finally the washer stoped.
We switched it over to the dryer. She kept opening the dryer to see if it was ok. Finally, she called from the bathroom and said: "Mom it will be okay, I will try and wait."
I walked in there and this is what I found.....

She was camping out waiting for her dress to be done. hahaha


  1. The twins have that problem when I wash their blankets. Could be why I don't wash them as often as they need to be washed....

  2. So sweet!!! What a cutie! The pain of separation.I have to sneak their blankets into the wash and have them out before it's bedtime or naptime again.
